The West India Honey Company that went from just being a bee-keeping agency to the sellers of premium quality raw honey and allied products.

Honey harvesting or sourcing and quality management is an extremely complex process in India. With our expertise in bee-keeping, harvesting and honey packaging done in the most ecological-friendly manner for the past 5 years, we are now look forward to help other brands to grow without worrying about sourcing and quality control.

The following will be the process as below:

  • Choose variety of honey from our portfolio, along with size of glass jar with wads or without wads
  • Provide your label design or printed labels
  • Wait for the delivery of the end product
  • The MOQ for private labelling is 100 kg per variety of honey.

The quality and purity of the Honey will be assured from our side.

Call: +91 97108 21108
or Email at info@thewestindianhoneycompany.com
or Apply directly from the from below.