Raw Honey : Why You Shouldn’t Avoid It This Winter

Many people excitedly wait for the winter months and enjoy the weather to the fullest. But there are also those who have a hard time fighting winter-related ailments which see a rise due to the sudden nip in the air. And if you are one of those who belong to the second group, we suggest you head to the kitchen and include some Raw Honey in your regular diet. Packed with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, Raw Honey can be the solution to many of your winter woes this season. There are various ways in which the natural nectar can help you beat the chill.

Soothing a sore throat

As the temperature drops, the bad throat becomes exceedingly common. This not only causes pain and discomfort but also affects your productivity and concentration. But you can quickly and easily prevent and treat a sore throat with Raw Honey. Choose between trickling two spoons of pure Raw Honey down your throat, or adding it to your cup of black tea. Alternatively, it is also advised to brew a warm cup of lemon tea with Raw Honey. Children love Raw Honey – make use of the golden liquid to eliminate their colds and coughs.

Strengthening our immunity

There is no denying that a strong immune system protects us from winter ailments. People with weak immunity are susceptible to a variety of infections and diseases. Raw Honey can keep respiratory ailments like colds and cough at bay. All you need to take is a glass of warm water with a spoon-full of Raw Honey, a splash of lemon juice, and a dash of cinnamon. The powerful concoction can shield you against flu and other issues.

Healing wounds

Only a small percentage of people know about this property of Raw Honey. If you ever get burnt, you can count on Raw Honey as a natural wound sealant. It not only makes the body believe that the burnt area is covered with healthy skin, but it also radically lessens the pain. Raw Honey makes the body heal wounds from the inside out. Simply spread Raw Honey over the burn and wrap loosely with gauze. It requires a fresh dressing every five-six hours. Raw Honey also doubles up as an antibiotic ointment for treating regular cuts or scrapes.

Adding to a skincare regime

Raw Honey is the best protection against dry skin. When skin is exposed to harsh winds that prevail in the winter season, prepare a homemade lotion and lip balm with Raw Honey as the main ingredient along with coconut oil and Vitamin E.

Prevents Heart Diseases

Consumption of natural Raw Honey increases polyphonic antioxidants in the blood which helps prevent heart diseases. It can also help lower cholesterol levels.

As winter unfolds its icy embrace, don't shy away from embracing the warmth and nourishment that raw honey offers. From its nutritional benefits to its soothing properties, raw honey is a natural treasure that can elevate your winter experience. And when you choose The West Indian Honey Co., you're not only choosing exceptional quality but also making a choice for your well-being. This winter, indulge in the golden sweetness and let The West Indiana  Honey be  your companion in embracing the goodness of nature.

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